Looking for Tips
on Clothing Connections
I started this project in early spring, when jeans and boots were fine everyday. It's now the apex of summer and I'm still wearing the boots. It's not okay. I've been chopping up old pants (including, yes, a pair of old jeans) to make a new crop of shorts for myself, but I haven't been so handy with "making" new shoes. And speaking of pants, between switching to a virtually vegetarian organic diet (and simultaneously taking up bicycling and swimming at the local Y) I've lost 15 pounds and none of my clothes fit me anymore.
I am looking for any tips or suggestions anyone might have for making connections within shoe/sneaker companies or clothing companies where I might buy myself a few new pairs of jeans (and maybe shorts!).
Labels: Brooklyn Brewery, Park Slope Food Coop, The Project
I think what you are doing is incredible, seriously. I try to get my groceries at coops and farmer's markets as much as possible (extra hard these days with high prices). But clothing and stuff like that is a whole nother realm for me. I'm a shopping addict, and most of it is online, so I don't know where most of my stuff is even being shipped from. I do, love buying things from etsy.com though because they have that whole handmade thing and you can actually communicate directly with the seller who supposedly makes all their stuff. Buying from them makes me happy because I got something nice and I know that I've just supported an independent designer/merchant.
Oh, and you lost 15 pounds going veggie? Sheesh man, I've been a vegan, a vegetarian, and now a pescetarian for more than a year and I haven't lost any weight! :)
Hi- Great idea and great blog! Also, props to GOOD for putting you out there, because that is how I found this link. As for shoe suggestions, have you thought about the brand Simple. ? They make a pair called Eco-sneaks and they imply sustainability in thier ads. Might be a lead...let me know if you have any luck.
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